When my kitten, Boomer got hurt, it was 8.30 PM. He had a very bad wound, his flesh was torn out of his body near the right leg. We didn't even know what was the source of it because 10 minutes ago he was playing and running and having fun. Worst of all, he just got well from a bad diarrhea problem he had one week ago.

Me and my boyfriend panicked that our baby kitten was hurt so badly. Boomer in his carrier and brought him to the vet. Baby Pets was closed, so was Tickle Pet house (another vet in the same area).
We went back home and got on the internet to search for any other vets the area. One was open and charged RM53 for consultation fees alone.The other vets were closed. We had no choice but to wait the next day,and sprayed our little baby with an animal healing spray that we bought at the pet store.
It was very stressful because he was hurt and we could not do anything.He did not seem to be in a lot of pain and my friend who was studying veterinary in UPM told me cats don't feel the hurt on superficial wounds.
So the next day we waked up early and took Boomer to Baby Pets which is a vet near Jaya Jusco in Sri Kembangan. The doctor said that Boomer's wound was bad and it was a clean cut. It needed stitches. He told me for the surgical procedure, it will cost RM150. Then he had to wear the Elizabethean Collar which is like a plastic cone over the cat's head so that it won't lick the wounds. That was RM12. Then his ears was infected by ear mites and the medicine cost RM28. In total it would cost RM190.
But since we love Boomer so much, he is priceless so even though I am avery poor student, I still signed the consent form for the surgery anddidn't mind paying. 3 hours later I picked up Boomer and he was stilldrowsy from the anesthesia. The poor thing had a cone-collar-likethingie over his head and he looked so sad and depressed. The fur wasshaven in the area of his wound and there were 6 stitches. His ear wasnot full of the puffy fur, but instead it was all oily and shrivelledbecause of the medication. I was so heartbroken, but happy because thewound was close and everything seemed to look well and I know thedoctor has done a good job because he is an animal-lover himself. The doctor said Boomer never made a noise. But Boomer is like that, he is brave and not talkative.
There were so much medication, pills, and external medication to bring back. I requested pills because it is easier to feed than the normal syrup (Boomer loves spitting it out onto his white fluffy fur!). There was another great surprise, I told the doctor's wife (who is also a vet there) that I am a student in MMU. So for everything they charged onlyRM140!
Baby Pets is a great and reliable vet. They gave me a discount just because I am a student and they could see how much I loved by baby cat.So far this is the best vet I've visited. Boomer is recovering slowly now, he seems depressed with the collar on his head but if I take itout he will start pulling and biting his stitches, but he'll be OK. He will have a nasty battle scar, and his thick fur will grow back soon.Right now there is still the mystery on "What wounded Boomer?"If anyone could comment on what they think happened, that'd be great!