Chilis is also a great place for people to hang out and watch football together. They have a bar at in the restaurent and when sometimes there is a big match, people will gather there, grab a drink and cheer for their favourite team on air.
Its been a long time since I've last dined there. The moment you step into Chilis, you can feel a very home-y, cosy and friendly kinda ambience. The waiters and waitresses are trained to serve you well.
But i once met a waiter there who was so calculative. There is this beverage in Chilis which is calle the bottomless drink. If u order that drink u can ask for a refill, on one condition. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO SHARE THE DRINK. And that waiter had the nerve to stare at us the whole time, making sure that we don't share the drink. How rude! I've met some nice waiters who let us share the drink and even let us refill our drink more than 1 time.
This time, I was very hungry. I ordered this prawn and citrus fried rice. As a old timer in Chilis, I know that they serve their food in a BIG plate, but the amount of food is quite little. I told my friend this and she had the nerve to ask the waiter to add more rice to my plate!
In which, surprisingly the waiter chuckled and agreed. How nice :)
My friend love this dish! A lot! This is the fajita nachos (pronouced as fa-hi-ta). They used to serve guacomole ( mashed avocado) with this dish, free. Now they no longer serve it free. You have to pay an additional RM1.50 to add a scoop of it. How sad :( They only serve the sour cream for free.
Well, if you guys like to try something new. Head on to your nearest Chilis to have a try!
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